We, as you, have gotten the, "They need to be around other people and get out of the house", more then once.
We have also gotten the, "They need to be around other people besides your church people."
While I understand, and somewhat agree, I know they people are not seeing the whole picture.
At public school they see and are exposed to:
good kids
bad kids
kids who get into trouble
kids who are into drugs (our kids are older)
and so on, you know
They are around all kinds of adults as well.
They are around different types of people from different walks of life.
People who aren't like you.
In church they see and are exposed to:
good kids
bad kids (yes, even in church)
kids who get into trouble (These ones they know personally and are more affected by it)
people who are on drugs, most who get delivered
couples who were shacking up getting it right and getting married
Last night in revival, we had a scitzophrenzic (sp?) get saved and prayed for.
They see all walks of life.
People who aren't like you working together.
They go on outreach and meet all types.
They go to the grocery store, etc. and see and interact with all types.
They volunteer, etc.
I really could go on.
Are our kids sheltered? Yes, but they were before public school.
Are our kids at home a lot? Sort of, but that is part of the point.
Do I feel our kids are missing out, not too often.
Sorry for the rant.