This is response to a post at The Homeschool Post.
Sometimes people ask me how do I do it all. Do I get tired of being around the kids all day. (Not most of the time.)
I am a person who loves her alone time, so is was an adjustment to bring the kids home from public school to homeshool. But the benefits far outweigh the price.
I do need to have "me" time. What do I do to unwind? I Digiscrap!! And I blog. Digiscrapping helps me create memories and it has really become a big hobby of mine. Blogging is like keeping a journal. Helps me "talk" and get my thoughts out.
For this assignment we were to also tell what scripture helps us. Gosh, where do I start? So here are a couple!
Each from Psalms
3:3-5 But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.
16:5 O Lord, you are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot.
And Psalms 91
Have a Great day!
Love both those psalms Christine.
I think many of us feel this way, whether we home school or not. I know, still having two little ones at home, there is never enough time for everything that you want to do...but it's nice to know that they things that you do are so worthwhile!
I love that drumroll on your blog!!!
Hi :) I enjoyed visiting with you here! Projects are a great joy to me, too, when I have a little down time.
The Psalms you shared are lovely! Blessings, q
Okay, I'm impressed. I have never even mastered the plain old copy/paste/cut scrapbooking and you digiscrap. Wow. My boys will be getting the boxes of pictures. That or a memory card.
I love to scrapbook, but haven't tried to digiscrap. I do confess, it's getting more interesting as I learn more about it, and I've thought about giving it a try. I've got so much paper stuff though, I've got to use up what I have.
Wordless Wednesday is a meme that you can join each Wednesday. All it is, is a post of a picture or pictures that you've taken or really like. You aren't supposed to put any words with it (other than the title) but sometimes I just have to caption my photos making it a not-so-wordless Wednesday. :) You should join in.
One of the more popular sites that does WW posts is www.5minutesformom.com
Oh, forgot to say, thanks for visiting my blog today!
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